Introduction to Swedish employment and labour law for civil society

Employment and labour law regulates the conditions applicable as well as the relationship between the employer and the employee. It is governed by legislation, collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) as well as the individual employment agreement. In this introductory course you will get an overview of Swedish employment and labour law and is only for employers bound by the CBA Salaried Employees in Civil Society.

Employment and labour law regulates the relationship between the employer and the employee. This area of law is foremost regulated by legislation, CBAs as well as individual employment agreements. For employers it is key to have knowledge of employment and labour law as it prevents the risk of making unnecessary mistakes that can lead to legal disputes and heavy damages.

This course in employment and labour law is for employers bound by the CBA Salaried Employees in Civil Society and is an introduction to employment and labour law as well as the CBA.

The content includes the Swedish model, the different legislations applicable, general conditions of employment, the entering into and termination of employment as well as working time, annual leave, sick pay and parental leave supplement.

This course is for board members, managers, HR specialists or employees in leading positions who have none or very little experience within the area.

Practical details

This is a three hour online course, on Teams. As a participant you will be able to ask questions during the course.

This course is held in English.

Course leader: Veronica Johansson and Rickard Levin.

Payement is due 30 days after you got the invoice.

Grundutbildning - Digital
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